Suntory Flowers

 Just for Retailers

Top-Selling Surfinia Colors:
Novelty Surfinia:
Different Types of Surfinia from which to Choose:

Surfinia® Mounding – Perfect for patio planters. Weather tolerant. Produce beautiful mounds of blooms.

Surfinia® Trailing – Gorgeous in beds and baskets. Stunning all season. Low-growing plants.

Surfinia® Summer Double™ – Double-flowered petunias with a tidy mounding habit. Outstanding heat and rain tolerance.

Surfinia Sumo® – Bred for landscapes, Surfinia Sumo is perfect for large containers, hanging baskets, and beds. Gorgeous mounds of large flowers bursting with colors including pink, glacial pink, plum and bold lilac.

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Searching for a garden superstar? Look no further than Surfinia, the world’s leading petunia based on outstanding garden performance. Flower petals and leaves are more durable to withstand weather extremes and disease. Plants fill out beds, baskets, and containers quickly. Surfinia is named after the surf for its spreading habit, creating colorful drifts, like waves on the shore. Surfinia petunias are an excellent choice for any garden, container, or hanging basket, just water, fertilize and place in full to partial sun.

Surfinia Heartbeat Improved and Purple Heart Group Shots:
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Bench Cards & Posters
Find More Surfinia Bench Cards and Posters at our Retail POP Page


YouTube Videos
Utilizing all the great informative YouTube videos that IGCs could put out on social media or even on their website from our Surfinia Petunias Playlist

