Mandevilla SunParasol Original SunBeam_Z6S4091

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Mandevilla hybrid

Revolutionary Genetics!

Sun Parasol Original XP has superior branching and flower power! Earlier to flower with outstanding, exciting colors like the first yellow flower Sunbeam, the new Bluephoriawith blue flowers starting with pink buds, the new Mauvelous with brush stroke color of mauve pink blooms, and Double Pink Blush, a FleuroStar winner of a true double bloom in pink. All are excellent plants for gardens, containers, and hanging baskets.

Height: 12 to 24-inches
30 to 61-centimeters
Spread: 24 to 36-inches
61 to 91-centimeters
Seasons: Spring, Summer
Colors: Yellow with darker throat
Light Levels: Sun
Vigor: Vigorous
Earliness: Mid
Habit: Upright
Usage: Container Gardens, Gardens, Hanging Baskets, Pollinator Plant
Media: Well-drained peat/perlite mix
pH: 5.5 to 6.0
Fertilization: Medium | 250 ppm
Light: High
Water: Dry to Well-Drained
Rooting Temp: 65°F to 80°F | 18°C to 27°C
Rooting Hormone: No
Pinch Before
Average Prop Time: 12 to 12-weeks
Growing Temp Day: 65°F to 70°F | 18°C to 21°C
Growing Temp Night: 65°F to 70°F | 18°C to 21°C
Pinching: Necessary to improve branching. Wait until the plants are fairly well-rooted before pinching.
Pests: Mites are the prime pest. Aphids, thrips, and whiteflies
Diseases: Good airflow helps prevent foliar leaf spot. Watering in the morning helps, too. Prevent Fusarium and Botrytis by keeping plants dry in the winter.
Crop Timing from Rooted Liners:
Other Varieties in the Series:
[ Pink ] [ Double Pink Blush ] [ Mauvelous ] [ Bluephoria™ ]