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SUNDENIA® Red Improved

Dipladenia hybrid

Large Flowers with Compact Habit

Sundenia® dipladenias offer the large flowers loved in mandevillas but on a compact, manageable plant. Sundenia’s® flowers are 3-5 inches in diameter, double the size of a typical dipladenia, all on glossy green foliage. The colors include Red, White, and Coral, a brilliant rich pink with red undertones. New Red Improved has been improved for a fuller, bushy habit, loaded with larger red blooms all season.

Height: 12 to 24-inches
30 to 61-centimeters
Spread: 18 to 24-inches
46 to 61-centimeters
Seasons: Spring, Summer
Colors: Red
Light Levels: Sun
Vigor: Vigorous
Earliness: Mid
Habit: Upright
Usage: Container Gardens, Gardens, Hanging Baskets, Pollinator Plant
Media: Well-drained peat/perlite mix
pH: 5.5 to 6.0
Fertilization: High | 240 ppm
Light: High
Water: Well-Drained to Moist
Growing Temp Day: 65°F to 80°F | 18°C to 27°C
Growing Temp Night: 65°F to 80°F | 18°C to 27°C
Pinching: Pinching is necessary to improve branching. Wait until the plants are fairly well-rooted before pinching
PGR: B-9 3-4 grams/liter and Cycocel less than 1cc/liter (tank mix). Repeat as necessary (weekly during the growing season)
Pests: Aphids, thrips, whitefly, red spiders & mites
Diseases: Keep plants dry to prevent root rot and leaf spot. In the winter, keep plants dry to prevent Fusarium and Botrytis
Crop Timing from Rooted Liners:
4-inch: 8 to 12-weeks with 1 ppp
8-inch: 12 to 24-weeks with 1 ppp
Other Varieties in the Series:
[ White ] [ Coral ]