Suntory Flowers Variety View – Soiree Kawaii for Landscapes

Suntory Flowers
Soiree Kawaii Shines in Summer Landscapes! Looking for a bedding plant that will go the distance all summer? Soiree Kawaii catharanthus varieties love heat and humidity. And they keep their tidy habit as they produce mounds of saturated color. Customers shared pictures from the South capturing Soiree Kawaii’s performance in landscapes. The plants performed well in northern trials, too, capturing “best of” awards at Penn State and Colorado State.
Suntory Soiree Kawaii in Alabama Suntory Soiree Kawaii in Louisiana
Suntory Soiree Kawaii in Tennessee Suntory Soiree Kawaii in Texas
URC SOURCES: Cohen, Dümmen Orange, Kientzler, Quality Cuttings Team, Vivero Internacional
Suntory Suntory
Suntory Suntory
Suntory Suntory