SunParasol® Mandevilla

Introduced in 2003, SunParasol® has become the number one collection of Mandevilla in North America. Achieved through cross breeding of multiple species of Mandevilla, SunParasol offers growers and gardeners a wide range from large flowered climbing varieties to multifloral shrub types and everything in between.
The SunParasol line is also the only collection to introduce novel colors like the SunParasol Apricot and bicolors like SunParasol Stars & Stripes®.
The Original Group of SunParasol varieties have a habit with compact growth, which is upright and great basal branching. They are natural climbers with glossy green foliage, which gives a neat and clean presentation in the garden. These varieties are also recommended for hanging baskets or patio containers.
The Giant Group, as the name suggests, are large flowering varieties with vigorous climbing habits. They are slightly later to flower than the original group, but make very impressive displays in the landscape or trellised in large containers.
The Pretty Group is distinguished by its superior branching, shorter internodes, while still maintaining a vigorous growth rate for the gardener. This group can be used as a traditional container plant, but are also ideal for planting in small pots from 4-6 inches and as a hanging basket item. There is no need for a support system in 4-6 inch pots.
The Designer Group is a super sturdy shrub type. Gardeners will not need to stake or trellis in the garden, but growers can use these varieties to easily create standards and trees. Vigorous growing and excellent heat tolerance.